MDM525 Week 4
What I have Learned
in this course
Week 1 - Optional DC
Our Instructor gave great feedback, and some of the feedback that I received on this Optional Design Challenge was some minor tweaking and then using the Multiply blending mode. It did a wonderful job of taking all of these rough connections of different colored lines and blending all of the areas where the different lines intersected. It really stepped up the quality of this image.
No Blending
With the MULTIPLY Blending Mode
Week 3 - Required &
Optional DC 1
The required design challenge for Week 3 was to create Alexander Girard’s signature. The Optional DC 1 was to take that signature and animate it in After Effects. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to finish my animation, but this week, we were asked to finish one of the challenges that we started.
I have done this technique several times in the past and it is a lot of fun. One thing you HAVE to do if you want it to animate correctly is to break the letters into non-intersecting strokes, so you don’t inadvertently show part of an upcoming intersection. When I did my signature assignment, I made a second version that is made up of those parts mentioned, and I colored them so it was easy to differentiate between the segments when I animated the text writing on the screen and animated each piece in order to avoid those upcoming intersection conflicts that I mentioned previously. Here’s an image of the regular text and the segmented text for animating.
Week 3 Optional DC 1
The assignment specs called for a 1520x230 .Mp4 file 10 seconds long at 30fps. To meet the assignment requirements I rendered this version:
I wanted to do something a little more interesting, but I really couldn’t spend any time on it. So I changed the format to 1080p (1920 x 1080) and added an effect to the text and a watercolor paper image in the background. Threw in a camera and did a simple camera move and added this great little audio clip licensed from Motion Array and I think it turned out pretty good. Nothing fancy, but a little something extra.